Discovery Islands British Columbia Canada

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Shark Spit, Marina Island

Wildlife in the Discovery Islands

you'll see some of Canada's iconic animals

Seeing a soaring eagle or a pod of orcas plying their way through the maze of ocean channels in the Discovery Islands is a thrilling experience. Our region is home to a diverse array of wildlife including many of Canada's iconic species. At various times of the year it is possible to see: dolphins, orcas (killer whales), humpback whales, sea lions, eagles, osprey, great blue herons and many more animals.

Deep in the forest are also cougar, black bears, wolf, martens and other elusive creatures. On the mainland grizzly bears abide in the deep river valleys of the Coast Range Mountains but they don't live on the smaller Discovery Islands.

There are some important guidelines for viewing all wildlife. Marine mammals which by their nature are easily encoutered by boat have special regulations regarding approaching them. It is prohibited (read 'illegal') to approach closer than 100 meters (yards) to marine mammals or to enter the zone in front or behind their direction of travel at ANY distance. Between 100m and 400m vessels must travel at a slow speed below 7 knots.

For marine mammal regualtions
for boaters, paddlers and viewers

visit the Department of Fisheries and Oceans web site>

If you are fortunate to see wildlife on land like bears, wolves etc... use your common sense. Do not approach the animals and never offer food to any wildlife. Slowly back away from the animal and observe its behaviour. Generally the animals are just going about their business and have no interest, even a fear of humans.

If the animal appears aggressive you may need to respond by standing tall, grab a large stick and/or rock. Animals avoid confrontation especially with another animal that appears dominant. If you are attacked (which is extremely unlikely in the Discovery Islands) you shoudl fight back.

For detailed tips in dealing with wildlife

visit the BC Conservation Services web site>

Sunset from Shark Spit, Discovery Islands, British Columbia, Canada
Discovery Islands Lodge
Renée Stone real estate on Quadra Island
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