Discovery Islands British Columbia Canada

Coast Mountain expeditions
Heriot Bay Inn, Quadra Island
Spirit of the West Adventures
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Shark Spit, Marina Island

Community Groups in the Discovery Isalnds

meet the people who make it all tick

Our community is served by many groups of dedicated volunteers who together help make our community a safe, fun and busy place to live.

Discovery Islands Chamber of Commerce

Discovery Islands
Chamber of Commerce

The Discovery Islands Chamber of Commerce serves the businesses of the Discovery Islands as a forum to discuss local and braoder issues, provide support for local initiatives and support.

As a member of the BC Chamber of Commerce the DICC offers members access to a variety of benefits like preferable insurance rates, health coverage etc...

For more information visit our web site>

Discovery Islands Emergency Preparedness

Discovery Islands
Emergency Preparedness Assoc.

The Discovery Islands Emergency Preparedness Association provides information, resources and encourages Emergency Preparedness in our community.

We have several important initiatives such as a hamradio group support for local volunteer fire departments.

For more information and to keep in touch find us on Facebook>

Discovery Islands Ecosystem Mapping Project

Discovery Islands
Ecosystem Mapping

The Discovery Islands Ecosystem Mapping (DIEM) Project is creating ecosystem maps to provide a comprehensive visual reference that local communities, governments, and land managers can use to better understand the area and enlighten discussions about resources and development.

For more information visit our web site>

List your community organization here free of charge.
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Quadra Islands weekly community kitchen, Wednesdays at the Quadra Island community centre through winter
Discovery Islands Lodge
Renée Stone real estate on Quadra Island
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