Discovery Islands media and publishing advertising information

Discovery Islander Advertising Info

The Discovery Islander is your most effective method for reaching residents of Quadra Island, Read Island, Stuart Island and the neighbouring Outer Discovery Islands. Published bi-weekly, the Discovery Islander is distributed by mail to 1,300 post office boxes across the Discovery Islands. The paper is also available on newstands in the major grocery stores on Cortes and Quadra Islands. Our total print run is 1,500 copies per edition plus 400-600 internet readers.

Read the current edition here>

Classified Ads

Submit your classified by email or drop off at our office or Hummingbird Art & Office Supply in the Q-Cove Plaza

$25.00 (includes GST) for up to 35 words for 1 issue (covers two weeks) or
$20.00 (includes GST) for each insertion for two or more editions.

Payment must be made before publication so be sure to include with your submission. Payment may be sent by cheque or money order to:
Discovery Islander
PO Box 280 Quathiaski Cove BC V0P 1N0
Ads may be sent by mail or email.


Contact us for quotes on printing and distribution of seperate flyers.

25% one time setup fee for new ads unless artwork supplied to our specs.
Spot Colour Available, add $50 per colour.
If you wish to submit your own ad layout, please read our ad specifications.
Non Profit Societies and organizations from the Discovery Islands
receive a 15% discount.

About The Discovery Islander

The D.I. is a community magazine of news and events from Quadra Island, Cortes Island, Read Island and the Outer Discovery Islands which include Stuart Island, Redonda Islands, the Rendezvous Islands and the Mainland Inlets.

The D.I. prints 1,500 copies each edition and is distributed to 1,300 post office boxes throughout the Discovery Islands as well as on newstands on Quadra Island reaching an estimated 3,000 Discovery Islands residents directly. With a publication schedule of every two weeks the Islander has an excellent shelf life The Discovery Islander is the primary information source in a socially active community and it is the most effective way to advertise in the Discovery Islands.

Tips for Designing a Print Ad

We want you to look your best! That’s why we offer professional design to deliver maximum impact and sales results. To create effective ads, we work closely with our advertisers and encourage their participation in the creative process. Here are some things to consider in developing your ad:

1 • Identify your target market
Who is your ideal customer? If, say, you sell home fire extinguishers, chances are it’ll be homeowners with families who are most interested in your product. Pinpoint your audience to make your messaging meaningful and direct.

A clear message is a simple one. Write copy that sums up the benefits of your business or product. For home fire extinguishers, a tag line might be ‘Fire Prevention: It Keeps Your Family Safe.’

3 • IDENTIFY the benefits
A benefit is the customer’s emotional response to your product. Customers don’t really need fire extinguishers in designer colours. But suggest how much better they’ll sleep at night thanks to your monthly maintenance
program – well, now you’re selling something they want!

4 • FINISH WITH A call to action
It can be as simple as this: ‘Call us today. You’ll all sleep
better tonight.’

The experts say the key to successful advertising is repetition, repetition – did we say repetition? Plan an ad schedule and budget that places smaller ads more frequently, instead of larger ads once or twice a year. Keep your product or business visible!

6 • ad templates for updated content
Many of our advertisers ask us to create a template for their ads –
a design that stays the same but offers space for new content
issue to issue. Real estate businesses, stores with week-to-week specials,
and entertainment venues all make use of this service.

Need help with your ad plan? Contact us for a chat and a quote!

Ad Specifications

Advertisements maybe submitted in a variety of formats;

Photographs are preferred as original colour.jpg digital files straight from your camera or hard copies may be submitted as colour or B&W prints.
Digital photos and other graphics should be submitted at 'high resolution' in .tif, or .jpg format.
Artwork and photographic prints maybe submitted for scanning but may not reproduce satisfactorily.

Electronic Specifications

Digital files preferred in Acrobat PDF, Adobe Illustrator (up to CC), EPS, InDesign.
Files maybe submitted on CD, DVD, USB FlashDrives, online via DropBox et al or sent as email attachments (below 10 MB).

Please pass this information on to your graphic designer or contact us to discuss your design needs.

Download the DI Rate Card as an Acrobat PDf file