Welcome to the online edition of the
Guide to the Discovery Islands.
You can view the guide page by page in your browser in html using the page number links above ^ or download the PDF version for viewing and printing at any time using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
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For the best results printing and downloading to your own computer use the fully interactive pdf edition. All advertisements on both the html edition and pdf edition are hotlinked to businesses' web sites.
Be sure to look for your copy of the magazine when at most Vancouver Island Visitor Information Centres and throughout the Discovery Islands on the ferries local retailers and accommodation facilities. Take it home and show your friends and family what a wonderful vacation you had!
For information on ferry services, check the Local Ferry Schedule
The print edition of the Guide to the Discovery Islands can be found at all regional visitor information centres and at outlets across Quadra and Cortes Islands.
For information about advertising in next year's guide click here.